Week beginning 16th November (P2)
12th Oct 2020
This week in P2 we will be learning:
- Correct letter formation of capital letters
- Using capital letters and full stops correctly in our own writing
- Recognising question marks and using them correctly in our own writing
- Choosing whether to use a full stop or question mark
- Writing lists
- 'Stretchy snake' reading strategy - stretch out the word slowly and put the sounds together
- Looking for High Frequency Words in our own reading material
Handwriting: I i
(Letter formation guide sheet sent home at the beginning of the year)
Phonics:. f b
- Blend sounds together to read cvc words
- Build cvc words using s, a, t, p, i, n, c, k, m, e, h, r, d, g, o, u, l e.g. red, dog, lad etc.
(Jolly Phonics actions sent home at the beginning of the year)
High Frequency Words: I into back
Read and write HFW, extend to spelling from memory
- Number focus - 17 - recognising numeral, writing numeral, counting a set of 17, making a set of 17, matching numerals to sets (within 17)
- Addition within 10/20
- Recording addition calculations using + and = symbols
- Recognising and using coins up to 5p
- Using 1p, 2p and 5p coins to calculate amounts and pay for items
Mental Maths
- Counting forwards to 20
- Saying the number before/after/between given numbers within 10/15
- Order a set of random numbers (within 10)
- Days of the week (song)
- Months of the year (song)
Victoria Primary School, Victoria Road, Ballyhalbert, Newtownards BT22 1DQ Phone: 028 4275 8350