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Victoria Primary School, Ballyhalbert, Newtownards

A visit from Iain Sneddon - our Sustrans Active Travel Officer

13th Jun 2021

Last Friday we had a visit from Iain Sneddon, our Sustrans Active Travel Officer.  He spent the morning working as 'Dr Bike', providing a FREE maintenance session for some P4-7 pupils' bikes.  There were lots of happy customers at the end of the day!

"He fixed my handlebar ends."

"He fixed my puncture and my brakes! Thank you Iain."

In the afternoon he visited each class in their outdoor area to demonstrate some cool cycle skills on his trial bike.  This was a very popular event, with younger children pointing out 'The Bike Man' to their parents on their way home!

"He showed us cool tricks." 

"He could spin really fast!" 

"It was really cool when he jumped over the logs."

"It was impressive."

"He was inspiring!"

"I love how Iain talked about his personal experiences when telling us about safety and bike parts.  He talked about cool skills for life, such as making sure that you love your job and how good things take time to learn.  I wish his tricks lasted longer though."