Access Keys:

Victoria Primary School, Ballyhalbert, Newtownards

Things to know as we begin a new term!

24th Aug 2020

I am delighted to welcome your child in to Primary 1 this week and look forward to getting to know them.

Your child will need the following items for P1:

  • Twistable crayons (please label each one)
  • A large Pritt Stick (labelled)
  • A box of tissues (these will stored under your child's desk and not shared with the class)
  • A packet of baby wipes (optional)
  • A change of underwear, trousers/leggings and socks (to be kept in school)

Please send these into school as soon as possible, as we cannot share school resources, at present.

Your child should not bring their red book bag to school. We will inform you when they are allowed to bring this each day. Children should bring a lunch bag with a snack and lunch each day. Snack should be sent from the 24th August however children do not stay for lunch until 7th September.

Please note 1:1 appointments with myself  with take place over the phone, as opposed to meeting on site in school. You will receive a phone call at your allocated time on one of the following dates: 26th, 27th or 28th August. I look forward to talking to you all then.