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Victoria Primary School, Ballyhalbert, Newtownards

P.4 Challenges and Games

28th Sep 2020

Number Bonds

Think you've mastered number bonds to 10? Why not try this game? It takes a little getting used to, but is fantastic fun once you get the hang of it! I'll introduce it in class. (Open the link, select the target number as 10 and click play). 

If you feel really confident you can even try number bonds to 20 using the same game!


Adding and Taking Away 1 and 10 within 100

Think you've mastered numbers within 100? Why not join 'The Chopper Squad'? Select 'Mixed 1 to 100' and see how many lives you can save! TOP TIP: Remember +10 is the same as moving down a square on the 100 grid, -10 is the same as moving up one square.