Access Keys:

Victoria Primary School, Ballyhalbert, Newtownards

Items required for P1/2

28th Aug 2024
Your child will require the following items this year:

  • A red book bag – supplied by the school in P1 for use in Foundation Stage. Please do not send individual school bags to school. If you have lost your red book bag or it needs replaced, a new one can be purchased from the school office. 
  • A large Pritt Stick
  • A packet of Twistable crayons/pencils
  • Drawstring bag/small bag containing a spare change of underwear and socks  
  • Lunch box/bag and water bottle 
  • Box of tissues  
  • A pair of wellie boots and a waterproof overall suit for Forest School sessions and outdoor play

Please ensure all items are labelled with your child's name.
Thank you for your support.