Access Keys:

Victoria Primary School, Ballyhalbert, Newtownards


2019/2020 School Year

1st Jun 2020
Well done every one for fantastic effort with your events. The following children...
26th May 2020
Ben, Katie and Ruby have all had fun thinking about what it would have been like...
26th May 2020
The IFA have put together a Footie Fun Day for the children take part in whilst...
26th May 2020
Well done to everyone who has registered for the Virtual Sports Day. If you were...
22nd May 2020
P4 have been very busy at home, learning about life during WW2.  We hope you...
21st May 2020
What a fantastic response to our virtual Sports Day.  It has been fantastic...
19th May 2020
Miss Hillen, Mrs McClure and Mrs Weir are all down in the dumps because they should...
19th May 2020
Well done for tackling the Daily Mile Challenge. Joseph has completed his first...